05 May 2010

enjoying the moment.

today chris took the kids with him to new jersey to hang out with grammy and boppa. this means i get the entire afternoon and evening alone. he did this last week, too, and i gotta tell ya...i didn't know what to do with myself last week. so today, as they drove off, i went to the kitchen, made some coffee, came upstairs to spin some yarn but just ended up sitting and thinking about our morning.

i took the kids to a park nearby, pool forge. it's a great park - big pavillion, great playground for all ages, and a nice, cool creek. lots of mud, flowers, rocks and twigs to play with. we were there celebrating the end of the school year with one of the homeschool co-ops we attend, community homeschooler's learning group. it was so nice to play in the mud with eli, as he collected little pebbles to chuck into the creek and watch the ker-plunk. he was so into the creek - didn't want to leave it, except to play with some of the bigger boys. stella had her friends to run with, play kickball with, hold hands with and slip in the creek with. she is normally nervous near the creek, but today, with her friends, she was brave and walked across to the otherside. i haven't taken any pictures lately, but this one will be burnt on my brain for awhile: stella, standing on the other side of the creek, beaming, hands held high. i felt my eyes burn a little...and clapped for my girl. we ate some ice cream and headed home, wet and muddy. it was a really good morning.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

There's something to be said for peer pressure at that age. Sounds like a lovely morning with the kids.