12 July 2007

vacation at nana and papa's

well we had a wonderful week away. i am hoping to update with some photos tomorrow. we had a rainy but fun week in pennsylvania. i am blessed with a wonderful family. my mom and dad take care of anyone and everyone around them. me and the kids included! we spent time hanging out side, in the baby pool, rides on tractors, grilling, hammocking, all sorts of country fun.

but i must tell the sewing machine story!
i took my old singer 401a to a place to get it fixed (threads were breaking and tension was off)...my sister had heard of this guy irwin leininger who was excellent w/ any machine. well...he's been dead for 8 years apparently. but apparently his brother in law learned a lot from him...ed lives next door. so the next hour and a half was spent with ed in the little shack that used to be a machine repair shop tinkering around. he showed me how to adjust and diagnose my tension problems (he thinks i should never have to take it in for repair on account of tension!) he also pointed out that my needle was in backwards. i swear i checked and double checked....but it was. how embarrassing. it is sewing like a charm again. so top things off, there were a host of old sewing tables sitting around...the kind you mount your machine right in. and you guessed it...he custom fit one for my machine and gave it to me for $20. how amazing is that.

i'm out of time today...but will post more about the week when i find some time. unpacking and stealing time w/ chris is taking priority right now!!!

oh...and the Project of the month stuff will be finished soon...sorry for the delay!!!


bandwidow said...

Oh how exciting! I love stories like that, glad to hear you had fun with your parents, maybe when you visit you can show me how to fix the tension on my machine (since it was your old one) it's been out of whack since we moved, and I can't stomach an $80 tune-up right now...

Anonymous said...

Hi Sis, I am glad you shared your story about the sewing machine guy, but you left out the fact that he not only fixed machines, but was known for his hemmorhoid cream! Better share the 911 story too, it's a classic! I love reading your blog & look forward to it, especially on days we don't talk. Love you!